The Isosquad
System Name: Spicy Isopods
Collective Nicknames: The Isosquad, Spiceopods, Isopods, Pod Squad, etc.
Collective Pronouns: they/them or it/its
Body Age: AdultLeadership Team
Co-Captains (Hosts): Nuri, Deyan, Mulch, Boaty, That Guy
First Mates (Frequent Fronters): Nai, Dinghy, Tzedek, Haunt, Matt
Ship & Parrot (Headspace Architect): Zulma / [narrator]NOTE
We aren't online on Shabbat. If you message us on Friday evening or Saturday, you likely won't hear back until Sunday. The exception to this rule is pre-scheduled voice or video calls (ex. Zoom services or video game plans with friends).
The Isosquad
System Name: Spicy Isopods
Collective Nicknames: The Isosquad, Spiceopods, Isopods, Pod Squad, etc.
Collective Pronouns: they/them
Body Age: Adult (30s)Leadership Team
Ship & Parrot (Headspace Architect): Zulma / [narrator]
Co-Captains (Hosts): Nuri, Deyan, Fenris, Bela, Anders
First Mates (Frequent Fronters): Nai, Izzy, Tzedek, Sigrun, Matt
NOTE: We have a lot of fictives who like going by their real names among friends (ex. DMs, servers where we're especially active, etc.) but prefer a bit of added privacy in public. If someone has a pseudonym listed, please refer to them as that in more public spaces (ex. Toyhouse, Tumblr, and Art Fight).
The Isosquad

(Art by Percy)
System Name: Spicy Isopods
Collective Nicknames: The Isosquad, Spiceopods, Isopods, Pod Squad, etc.
Collective Pronouns: they/them or it/its
Body Age: Adult (30s)
Systemversary: January 28Leadership Team
Ship & Parrot (Headspace Architect): Zulma / [narrator]
Co-Captains (Hosts): Nuri, Deyan, Mulch, Boaty, That Guy
First Mates (Frequent Fronters): Dinghy, Tzedek, Haunt, MattLinks:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
🔸We're run by a leadership team instead of by a single host!
🔸We don't really use role labels beyond marking who's in the leadership team.
🔸If we're too blurry or rapid-switchy to easily identify who's talking, we often refer to ourselves as the "Spicy Isoblob."
🔸We're quoigenic (not interested in figuring out or sharing our system origin), non-disordered (our plurality isn't causing us significant problems), and way too tired for syscourse.
Pride Flags

(Art by Deyan)
Name: Nuri
Emoji: 🕯️ Candle
Gender: Bigender (Ningender & Fingender)
Pronouns: it/they/fae (all equally preferred, but please don't switch between them mid-conversation)
Age: 34
Birthday: February 3Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️PlaylistNuri and Deyan make up the median subsystem known as Crow.
Pride Flags

(Art by silvermoonfox)
Name: Deyan
Emoji: 🦀 Crab
Gender: Mingender
Pronouns: he/they (he/him slightly preferred)
Age: 34
Birthday: February 3Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️PlaylistDeyan and Nuri make up the median subsystem known as Crow.
Pride Flags

(Art by Inugamiya)
Name: Crow
Emoji: 🐦 Bird
Gender: Ningender
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 34
Birthday: Feb 3Links:
✨ Page
✨Other CharactersThe body's first inhabitant. Now a median subsystem comprised of Deyan and Nuri. The two sometimes converge back into Crow when talking about shared interests, characters, or history.
Pride Flags
Boaty McBoatface

(Art by Harmony)
Pseudonym: Boaty
Emoji: 🌊 Water Wave / Ocean
Gender: Pirate / Genderfuck / Genderqueer Woman
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 43
Birthday: November 9Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️PlaylistBoaty, Nai, and Dinghy are a median subsystem!
Pride Flags

(Art by Deyan)
Name: Nai
Emoji: 🎶 Notes / Musical Notes
Gender: Cis Girl
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 9
Birthday: November 9Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️PlaylistNai, Dinghy, and Boaty are a median subsystem!
Pride Flags
Dinghy McDinghyface

(Art by Icarus)
Pseudonym: Dinghy
Emoji: ⛵ Sailboat
Gender: Cis Girl
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 6
Birthday: November 9Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️PlaylistDinghy, Nai, and Boaty are a median subsystem!
Pride Flags

(Art by Shrike)
Pseudonym: Mulch
Emoji: 🐺 Wolf
Gender: Kenochoric
Pronouns: it/its
Age: 43
Birthday: September 18Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Soph)
Pseudonym: Haunt
Emoji: 💀 Skull
Gender: Queer / "A Knick Knack Collection"
Pronouns: Any (neopronouns encouraged, the more creative the better! feel free to default to ze/hir or gem/gems if you're not feeling creative)
Age: 40-ish
Birthday: May 13Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Specter)
Pseudonym: Ezekiel
Emoji: ⛈️ Cloud with Lightning and Rain
Gender: Demiguy
Pronouns: he/him
Age: Early 30s
Birthday: August 11Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Beez)
Pseudonym: Nettle
Emoji: 🌵 Cactus
Gender: Trans Woman
Pronouns: she/her
Age: Mid-30s
Birthday: March 19Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Deyan)
Pseudonym: Rook / Fletcher
Emoji: 🏹 Bow and Arrow
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: he/him
Age: Mid-30s
Birthday: April 1Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags
That Guy

(Art by Soph)
Pseudonym: That Guy
Emoji: 🐈 Cat / Cat2
Gender: Trans Man
Pronouns: he/purr
Age: 46
Birthday: October 8Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️PlaylistThat Guy and Tzedek are a median subsystem! They blur together so often that it can be tricky to tell exactly where one ends and the other begins. Oftentimes "That Guy" is actually more like "That Guy with Tzedek backseat driving."
Pride Flags

(Art by Mew)
Called: Tzedek
Emoji: ⚖️ Balance Scale / Scales
Gender: No
Pronouns: it/its or none
Age: Nebulously Adult
Birthday: October 8Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️PlaylistThat Guy and Tzedek are a median subsystem! They blur together so often that it can be tricky to tell exactly where one ends and the other begins. Oftentimes "That Guy" is actually more like "That Guy with Tzedek backseat driving."
Pride Flags

(Art by Bee)
Pseudonym: Kestrel
Emoji: 🎇 Sparkler
Gender: Queer Woman
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 33
Birthday: May 24Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Bee)
Pseudonym: Muddy
Emoji: 🐐 Goat
Gender: Butch
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 37
Birthday: January 4Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by ArtNSalt)
Pseudonym: Datura
Emoji: 🪶 Feather
Gender: A Threat
Pronouns: fae/faer (auxiliary she/her)
Age: Mid-30s
Birthday: December 1Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags
Zulma / [narrator]

(Art by ArtNSalt)
Name: Zulma or [narrator]
Emoji: 👁️🗨️ Eye in Speech Bubble
Gender: Gendervoid
Pronouns: it/its
Age: Ageless
Appreciation Day: January 1Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Inugamiia)
Name: Roan
Emoji: 🌹 Rose
Gender: Genderqueer
Pronouns: kit/he/they (equally preferred -- feel free to either alternate or pick a favorite and stick with it)
Age: 36
Birthday: December 29Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Mew)
Name: Naeem
Emoji: 📙 Orange Book
Gender: Trans Man
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 37
Birthday: December 23Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️PlaylistNaeem and Hemy are a median subsystem!
Pride Flags
Reuel / Roo

(Art by Confetti)
Name: Reuel (aka Roo)
Emoji: 🌨️ Cloud with Snow / Cloud Snow
Gender: Demiguy
Pronouns: fae/faer (auxiliary he/him)
Age: 37
Birthday: September 2Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Inugamiia)
Name: Sariq
Emoji: 🦝 Raccoon
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: he/it (equally preferred -- feel free to either alternate or pick a favorite and stick with it)
Age: Functionally 37
Birthday: September 2Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Layalu)
Pseudonym: Biao
Emoji: 🐅 Tiger / Tiger2
Gender: Dad
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 35
Birthday: November 6Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Mewhaku)
Name: Matt
Emoji: ☄️ Comet
Gender: Demiguy
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 30
Birthday: June 15Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Provie)
Paeudonym: Pallas
Emoji: 🛰️ Satellite / Satellite Orbital
Gender: Trans Demigirl
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 21
Birthday: April 3Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Mew)
Name: Aednat
Nickname: S'mores
Emoji: 🔥 Fire
Gender: Dragoness
Pronouns: she/her
Age: Young Teen (14-ish)
Birthday: June 21Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Astr)
Pseudonym: Bubbles
Emoji: 🦑 Squid
Gender: Fingender
Pronouns: fin/glub/sea/mer/fish (or she/her if you're boring)
Age: Young Teen (13-ish)
Birthday: February 19Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Astr)
Pseudonym: Two
Emoji: 🐝 Honeybee / Bee
Gender: Bigender (guy/girl)
Pronouns: alternating he/she (auxiliary they/them)
Age: Young Teen (13-ish)
Birthday: June 2Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by ???)
Pseudonym: Crimson
Emoji: 🐉 Dragon
Gender: Cis Girl
Pronouns: she/her
Age: Young Teen (13-ish)
Birthday: October 20Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by ???)
Pseudonym: Maryam
Emoji: 🌈 Rainbow
Gender: Trans Girl
Pronouns: she/her
Age: Young Teen (13-ish)
Birthday: September 17Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Snow)
Name: Nehemiah (Hemy)
Emoji: ⛅ White Sun Cloud / Sun Behind Cloud
Gender: Gendervoid?
Pronouns: null/sol/they
Age: 12
Birthday: December 23 (but does not celebrate it)Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
▶️[Playlist]()Hemy and Naeem are a median subsystem!
Pride Flags

(Art by Provie)
Pseudonym: Silkworm
Emoji: 🪡 Sewing Needle
Gender: Boy?
Pronouns: he/him
Age: Preteen (10-ish)
Birthday: December 21Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Robin)
Pseudonym: Fang
Emoji: 🦂 Scorpion
Gender: Trans Girl
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 10
Birthday: March 26Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags

(Art by Provie)
Name: Amarillo (Rillo)
Emoji: ⚡ Zap
Gender: [shrugs loudly]
Pronouns: he/they (equally preferred, but please don't switch between them mid-conversation)
Age: Kid (8-ish)
Birthday: September 12Links:
✨ Page
✨Other Characters
Pride Flags